Begging For Mercy

Dear Mass Media (particularly TV):

We need to talk.

I know it's been awhile since I've paid much attention to you, but you should know that it's not me -- it's you. I disagree with your priorities. While I'd like to pay more attention, I just can't bring myself to do so.

If you could fulfill one simple request, I might be more willing to listen. Could you please, please, PLEASE stop talking about Paris Hilton? Please? I mean, she went to jail. I'm not even totally sure what happened, but there wasn't exactly a cry of shock ringing out across the country. Most of us went, "Oh. About time." And then our eyes glazed over as you insisted on talking about it, speculating about it, running the latest update across your news tickers (yes, I'm talking to you, CNN), showing us stock video of her at some red carpet event, and enumerating the events of her life in the last ten years.

I don't understand it. She doesn't have a career. She's not a self-made woman. She's an heiress. To a hotel chain millionaire. She's done a bunch of things that make our mothers cringe. And she's not a very nice person. Her contributions to society? Raunchy videos, catty escapades, and charity donations when they can be strategically placed to get her out of trouble.

I'm aware that there are plenty of people who find her intriguing, and for that I blame you. You have enabled her to continue in the limelight, which I don't doubt is exactly what she wants. Little girls everywhere see that every day and want the same thing.

Shame on you.

The solution is simple. Phase her out of your newscasts. I won't even humor myself by suggesting that you focus on normal people, because let's face it -- that will never happen. Focus on foreign politics, on domestic politics, on situations that actually have a bearing on the lives of the rest of us. For crying out loud, focus on the celebrities making good use out of their fame. I never thought I'd actually prefer that, but if it gets her out of the spotlight, all the better.

I'm saddened that it's even come to this, but I hope some day we can be on friendly terms again.



Speaking of news regarding normal people, this story was a pretty interesting one. (I'm just glad everything turned out well ... Egads!)


Anonymous said…
I agree! Thankfully I don't have a TV
Anonymous said…
Don't hate me, but I figured I should link this:

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