Not Much

While I'm at work it seems that I have a hundred different topics to blog about. By the time I'm at my computer at home, they've all escaped me. Today I even started a list, but by the second time around they simply didn't inspire any words.

How irritating!

With that, here I sit, trying to think of a good way to update everybody. Wausau is still as it was, although it's possible I like it better than I did when I last wrote. One of my awesome coworkers showed me around a little bit on St. Patrick's Day, which was great because a) I finally got out, and b) I actually met some people. The next day, I found a church that I may actually start going to regularly. Even better, I ended up going to lunch with a couple from said church ... By Monday I felt like a normal human being again. Yay for social contact.

Last night it rained, complete with thunder and lightning. I was thrilled -- it's been awhile since I've seen a decent light show, and this one set off a car alarm across the street.

Simple joys, I tell you.

Aside from my awesome weekend and last night's storm, things have been rather uneventful. I have no idea what else to say, really.

Have a great weekend, folks!


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