On The Road Again

I still don't like packing.

It's been a long week, and I've been through most of the stages. Denial ("There's no way I own this much junk"), anger ("This crap is never going to all fit!"), bargaining ("I swear, I'll stop collecting stuff if some of it could just disappear"), depression ("Does this really matter? I'm probably not going to stay in one apartment long enough anyway") ... Not sure I've really made it to acceptance. That might not come till next weekend, when I hopefully have a place to live and can UNpack. Much more fun.

The bottom line is that I'm very tired (doesn't matter what time I need to be up -- I can't fall asleep at normal hours yet), I'm cranky, and I don't really want to drive today. At all. Actually, I'm not convinced I want my time of rest to end, which is exactly what the last month or so has been. Restful.


In any case, I should get back to work. Thought I could post one more time before I left; in two hours or so, I'll be homeless, and after that ... Well, it might be awhile before I have regular internet access again. Take it easy, folks! Have a good weekend!


Katie said…
I can't wait to hear about your new adventure!!! Hope you can find a place soon, WITH high-speed internet!

God Bless..

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