Waiting (Or "Get Set")

Listening to: mostly Regina Spektor
Thinking about: well, you'll see that
Just got done: finishing my laundry

I despise waiting.

Yeah, I know, you're shocked. "But Ashley," you say, "you have such a tremendously long attention span! What do you mean you don't like to wait?"

Fine, fine. Those who truly enjoy waiting are few and far between (and possibly locked in asylums somewhere). And in all fairness, I've gotten a lot more patient in recent years -- or perhaps more relaxed, as the case might be. Maybe a little of both. The bottom line is, no matter how much I've changed, I still don't like waiting. Right now? The down time is killing me.

Don't get me wrong. It hasn't been all bad. I've gotten to relax (read: "laze around") more than I have at any other point since ... wow, probably since middle school. I'm getting caught up on my reading list, I'm actually watching movies and realizing what's on the screen, and I'm sort of honing my cooking skills (yay!).

The only issue? I'm ready to work on Stage -- what am I up to? Stage 6 or so? The next stage. I'm ready to get started on the next stage. First I'm ready to find out what that is.

In the mean time, I'm getting cabin fever (the fact that I'm also lacking in a vehicle doesn't help matters any) and doing research into both of my possible choices. Maybe I should take up knitting or something ...

Okay. I'm done ranting aimlessly for tonight. Have a great week, everybody!

Poll question for today: If you could pick one country to visit for a month, during which you would not spend one single night in a "conventional" hotel, where would you go?


Katie said…
Yes!!! Call when you're in town!! Lunch will be wonderful.

BTW I would chose NYC. I know it's dumb (and not Technically a country), but I'm really in a "missing my family" stage and my mom lives there. So, I could stay with her and not in a hotel!
Anonymous said…
Ireland! Love that place! Good luck with both your choices.

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