
I am the crazy lady.

It's amazing the realizations that come with decision-making processes, especially when those realizations repeat themselves. Today, as I was eating chili and reading Blue Like Jazz during my lunch break, I paused and realized that the other part of my brain was narrating.

Maybe this is where I run into difficulties concentrating. Part of my brain was reading, but the other part associated with conscious thought was narrating.

Have you ever thought about who would play you in a movie about you? I have. It was an icebreaker question a few years back and since then I've evaluated several brunette actresses on the basis of whether or not they could play me in a movie. Currently I think Anne Hathaway would be awesome.

That sounds irrelevant, and to be brutally honest, I could delete that paragraph and it wouldn't make much of a difference. I bring it up because, for as long as I can remember, I've pictured my life as a movie, complete with the omnicient narrator and a soundtrack. I even have a song chosen for my funeral scene.

I think it started when I was little and my sister and I would play odd games, games where we had invented totally new worlds and people. As I got a little older, those storylines fell away but the feeling lasted, and eventually I realized I was applying it to my own life. I was constantly writing the script, finding the best camera angles and lighting, casting parts and then sitting back and evaluating the whole scene.

The part that amuses me most is that I still do this from time to time. It started as an escape (mostly from high school, which I truly despised) and turned into an amusement for an idle brain.

Maybe this is an underlying reason for my search for adventure. "Office Space" has already been written ... Another movie about cubicles would only be so interesting. Movies that country-hop? Those are more interesting to me. Strange plot twists, oddball characters? I'm all for it.

I think I'm finally okay with being the crazy lady.


Anonymous said…
keep scripting in blueberry pies please!
Megan said…
yes, of COURSE you can bring pie!!!!!!! mmm...........
Anonymous said…
Ashley, I've really started to enjoy your posts!

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