Things You Might Not Know

I've discovered that there are things in life that I never thought would come into consideration when I started trying to figure out what comes next. While pondering this, I realized there are plenty of things that none of you, my faithful (ish?) readers know about me. In light of that, here are a few random facts:

- I love movies. My sister probably thinks I'm a little too forgiving -- I tend to enjoy even some of the famously bad ones. Next on my list to see are "The Guardian" and the new Bond. I've also got a morbid curiosity for "Babel," "Stranger Than Fiction," and "Borat." (Any input would be helpful!)

- Bananas give me a stomachache. So does chicken noodle soup. Neither of these make any sense to me.

- I don't generally get cold too easily, but I overheat. Mostly because of this, I prefer winter over summer (except that the hiking tends to be better during the summer).

- I love to read -- books, magazines, newspapers, almost anything. Lately, I have been reading books aimed at Christian women. In the past, I avoided these (having been of the opinion that they were overdone), but I've found a couple that I really like. Right now, I'm reading Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. Highly recommended.

- I have rather bad eyesight. Most of the time I wear contacts, but occasionally I'm actually seen in glasses ... I realized this was a fairly unknown fact in Denver, where several friends (including some I've known for a couple years) saw me in glasses for the first time. Besides that, I'm wearing them now thanks to a mild bacon grease incident.

- I love Italian food. And Mexican. And most forms of Chinese. Moreover, I love to cook, and I'm actually not too bad at it (not including the muffins I may have overbaked today).

Hmm. I'm not sure this post has been any better than the last one. Pretty sure it's about time it ended as well.

Have a good weekend, everybody!


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