Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Here we are, in the wee small hours of the morning, and once again I'm sitting at my computer. My real purpose here is to write an analysis over a paper for my creative writing class, but I can't come up with anything to say. Perhaps it would help if the story wasn't written by my professor ... I strongly suspect that this particular fact is contributing to my writer's block.

On the bright side, my own story suddenly hit me today and I managed to get a good chunk of it on paper. I think I may finally have something to contribute to the class. Thank goodness.

Okay. I need to get to work. It's late ... or early ... or in any case I want to get to bed. I have a long, LOOOOOONG day ahead of me. And an exhausting weekend.

Later, folks.


Anonymous said…
psssh like sleep this particular night was important. Denver will be a fusion of energy and excitement, what are you talking about this exhausting weekend.

Anonymous said…
Hello dear!

Where are you on MSN? Need to talk.

Here is my account:

Hope to hear you =)

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