Happy Thanksgiving!

This is gonna be a great weekend. I mean, hello? Holiday based on food? Where can you go wrong?

Actually, that's not all I'm thankful for this particular weekend. I'm also thankful for NOT driving 5 hours (in my poor Flying Jeep ... I'm worried about him). I'm thankful for family coming out here to visit. I'm thankful for having a place to disappear to for the weekend. I'm really, really thankful for the escape from RC and school for a few days.

And, believe it or not, I'm thankful for the uncertainty of the coming 3.5 weeks. It's going to be interesting, if nothing else.

(I'm less thankful that I just lost.)

This is probably it for me this weekend. I think I'm going to do some homework before I watch the sunset and wait for the rest of the family to join me. Gotta enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts!

Have a great weekend, everybody!


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