Just Some Things Going On

Listening to: Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1 in G
Thinking about: What has to be done before tomorrow
Just got done: Fighting with Aspen, at least for now

It was an interesting weekend. Baffling at times, hilarious at others, frustrating occasionally ... Heck, that was all even known to happen in the same hour.

I think my sleeping habits may be returning to some semblance of normal; it seems that, after Saturday night, my body got my attention and insisted on setting regular hours. We'll see how long that lasts (it's only a matter of time before a 4AM phone call introduces offset).

The powwow on Saturday was almost surprisingly interesting; I expected something different, I suppose. It was particularly fun to watch the crowd and catch people's reactions; for instance, when we heard the Lakota version of the national anthem. I've heard it before and actually recognized the song as what it was (it's hard for me to differentiate songs in Lakota music), but at that point I was spending more time watching the family a few rows in front of me. I'm not sure Mom was terribly comfortable there, but Dad was totally into it.

Hmm. Something I may have to discuss when I write my essay.

Argh! I've had fifteen different topics occur to me over the last couple of days, but I can't seem to remember them long enough to write them down ... How irritating.

Hmm ... Another interview this coming Thursday. I hope it goes better than my last one; my last one was my #1 choice as far as companies and positions go, but I'm pretty sure I was too nervous and screwed it up. This company on Thursday is #2 (a very close #2, mind you). I'm not quite as nervous yet, thank goodness.

It's funny. I haven't been nervous for any other interviews, the ones I didn't care as much about. But get me in that room for something I'm particularly interested in and suddenly I can't form a full sentence.

Okay. I should be headed to class shortly. Have a good week, all!

(PS -- I'm looking for creative writing topics as well as blog topics! Help!)


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