
The time stamp on this post should give away my biggest problem at the moment.

I don't quite know what's going on, but this is the worst I've been yet. It's not so much that it's rather early in the morning as the fact that I am not the least bit tired. I was a few hours ago; that has passed and now I'm quite awake.


In any case, it was an interesting day. I went to the Black Hills Powwow this afternoon, which was followed closely by crashing a wedding reception and hanging out with Dyan and Missy.

I might as well tell my story for the day! Dyan and I were walking up to the Gaslight (where the reception was) as two ladies were climbing into their SUV to leave. At that point, one of them sees us and asks, "Are you two wedding crashers?"

Needless to say, we were taken aback. Doubly so since we sort of were. I think my response was something like, "Well, kind of ..."

After her next sentence, I just cracked up. "Can we be your mothers?"

They thought the food looked really good, and apparently they were hungry.

We had a good laugh and a story to tell for the rest of the night.

After tiring of the Gaslight, Dyan, Missy and I found the guys and eventually ended up at Bully Blends. From there, we proceeded to the Evil Empire (which I hadn't been in since, like, June or so) and found a snack of cheese Danish and chocolate milk. We didn't leave RC to drop off Missy till after midnight.

I've been mentally pacing in my room ever since. Egads.

In about twelve hours, I'll be absolutely exhausted and I won't be able to do much about it. Right now? I'm fighting the urge to go for a walk, mostly because it's cold and windy. Or it was three hours ago, anyway.

I think I know some of the reasoning as to why this is happening, but there's nothing I can do about it. That's almost more frustrating.

So I sit, watching TV (so many infomercials! I understand the thought processes behind them now -- I'm actually tempted to order stuff, and I know it's only because I'm bored and it's really early in the morning) and wishing for sleep. Church is in just over five hours ... Argh. Maybe I'll be able to sleep between now and then ... or maybe I can get a nap in afterwards.

I think I'm going to do a little reading. Take it easy, everybody.


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