Cell Phones And Voicemail

I'm not sure what's going on with Facebook, but it's chopping up my posts in weird ways. If you're reading this from there, you should click on "View Original Post" so you can actually read the whole thing.

Okay. Now that I'm done with THAT ...

I'm realizing the value of a busy day. Sure, I'm not getting bored, but I need to remember to STOP saying, "Nah, I don't have much going on." It turned into a tagline, and now it's really, really not true.

I shouldn't complain. I infinitely prefer this to boredom. Boredom is a true waste of life.

Spent today talking to secretaries and voicemails (again) and it's getting more than just a little frustrating ... Egads. I'm also realizing the magical aspects of technology, namely the cell phone. Some may argue (right, Matt?), but cell phones are pretty awesome. They let me talk to no less than eight different answering machines from the comfort of my own grassy patch in the quad, all in less than an hour. If I had to feel rejected, I'm glad it could happen there.

In all seriousness, I may be addicted to my phone. Five years ago I would have laughed (didn't even have one then), but now it's become the greatest convenience. When you're never home (or your home doesn't have a land line) and 75% of the people you know are from different area codes or time zones, a cell phone is really the only connection you have. Email is great, sure, but laptops are expensive and wi-fi isn't always an easy find.

And ... done with that.

In other news, I'm looking forward to the weekend and the 20th Annual (20th!!) IVCF Harney Peak Hike. Something I've been doing since #16 ... Crazy. If you're a Techie (or a former Techie -- Katie!) you should join us!

That's all for now. Time to get ready for my first regular large group meeting. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said…
HP hike?!? When?

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