That Time Of Year

Yes indeed, folks, it's August. Not just August, but the end of August -- school's starting.

That's really all I need to say about that.

Need to say, yes. Want to say -- well, there's more. I'm feeling the money drain, as one does when certain organizations (or offices) don't file the proper paperwork and certain money sources are then left untapped. (I have a scholarship that hasn't gone through. A crucial one, as far as "Ashley's ability to exist" goes.)

All in all, though, life is good! We had an IV retreat last night/today, and that was great; the refocusing was especially helpful. My 4:00 class isn't meeting until Wednesday, so I have some time to do some more moving. (Hey Techies, don't forget -- we have a new school email system, and everything goes there instead. Egads.) And I got the worst of my textbook buying over with.

Goooood stuff.

Let's see ... Profound thoughts are running low. I need some sleep first, I think. On that note, have a great week, everybody!


Anonymous said…
Yay for retreat

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