Crazy Days

** This is an old post that I finally finished. Enjoy! **

Summer is wrapping up, and today my sister and I tried to kill ourselves.

No, I take that back. I shouldn't joke about things like that. In all honesty, we were just rather cruel to our bodies.

Last night, a large contingent of us went to Sturgis. And ... it was Sturgis. Nothing too terribly exciting, really, but fun for people-watching. (For those not from around here -- it's the end of rally week. Sturgis hosts a bike rally every year that brings in thousands of bikers -- there are something like 50,000 extra people in Sturgis at any given time. It's crazy time in SoDak.) Anyway, we got back around midnight.

At 3:50AM, my alarm clock went off. Tired, clumsy, and bedraggled, we gathered in the parking lot and started the hike up Storm.

At 5:51AM, the sun rose and made all of our tiredness worth it. Gorgeous.

Hike back, breakfast, and at 8:00, my parents and brother show up. We pack some lunches and hit the road for Harney Peak. A fourish hour hike, plus drive time ... Awesome. Gorgeous, even when it started raining. My sister and I were a little surprised that we managed to survive the hike after only 3 hours of sleep and a "warm up" that morning, but again, totally worth it.

I was relieved that the lake was cancelled because of the rain. My poor body wouldn't have dealt well with that. When we got back to camp, I instead took a nap, and then we all went to this great Chinese restaurant in RC ... with crab legs. I was happy.

Tomorrow, I leave Storm again. The rules are a little different this time; some things have changed, but more importantly, I'm going to Minnesota for Pursuit where I'll meet up with Anya. Yay!

Well, have a good week, everybody. Talk to you soon.


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