Still Kicking

Dum da da dum!!

Yes, I am alive, and even conscious. No sleep-posting here. (Only pertinent because I relocated myself a couple weeks ago and mysteriously woke up on the couch. I'm not sure what happened, since I distinctly remember falling asleep on my bed.)

The conscious part is mildly surprising; not much sleep is found in the staff cabin, least of all this weekend. It was awesome -- a bunch of the 2004 crowd showed up at random times. Lots of late nights, and some of us (namely me) had some early mornings. And at least one that was accidentally later than it was supposed to be.

I'm experimenting with a posting style out here. Hopefully, I'll get my last week's worth up sometime tomorrow, but if I do, it'll be a really long post. You've been warned.

Okay. I think that's all I feel like saying right now. Have a good week, everybody! Talk to (some of) you soon!


toby said…
Hey, Ash, just thought I'd pop in and say, "hello"



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