Taking It Easy


Tonight, I get to relax. Left RC, bound for my grandparents' place ... I've raved about this place before, and let me add -- I love it here. Tonight it's at its finest; the sky is clear so the stars are fully visible. This place is the embodiment of simplicity. Awesome.

I think the summer thing is now kicking in. My body is less tense, my brain is more free, and I'm starting to get bored with the things that were previously great distractions. I just want to be outside, and I'm starting to plan out my free time. Right now, I'm really hoping August holds a trip to the west coast; Anya (my rockin' awesome Russian roomie) wants to go surfing and I think that's an excellent idea. Just have to make it happen now ...

The rest of the stuff on my mind isn't formed enough to type, so ... thbbbb. Again, I have a lot of thinking to do in the near future. But that's okay; now I have time.



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