The Light!


The semester is over!

I don't think I actually believe that yet. Maybe it's because I haven't started packing yet ... I haven't had any motivation to do so, since, for the first time in four years, I'm not required to be out within 24 hours of my last final.

Kept busy yesterday. Woke up around 8:30 (unhappily, since I didn't get home till about 2:30), laid there for another hour, got up, started writing my last essay and a half ... Did the standard morning stuff in there. I was still writing at 1:00 when I got a phone call to ask where I was -- I had a meeting I had COMPLETELY forgotten about (guilt, guilt, guilt) ... After that, I finished my essay at 2:52 (not that I was watching), then Andy, Ashli, and I went to the shooting range. That felt good. At the guys' house at 7 to hear the band (which, might I add, was awesome), midnight walk, Perkins, and ... home at 3AM.

Now, it's shortly before 8, and I'm getting ready to go watch graduation.

Nine months ago, I thought today would be my day. Alas, the situation changed, and now I'll be graduating in December. That feels a little strange, but ... yeah. This will be fun.

Okay, time to finish getting ready. Have a good one, folks, and I'll talk to some of you soon!


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