It's Beginning


The semester is really, truly over.

I still don't think I believe it, but people are starting to leave, and that's a little more convincing. Matt, you should've stayed in RC this summer. Felt weird just going to lunch with only Darren and Justin.

Bunch of us went to Deadwood last night for the prime rib and crab buffet ... Yum. Crashed at Darren's mom's cabin for the night, which was fun; I miss queen-sized beds. Oh, so comfortable last night. Matt disappeared this morning sometime, and the rest of us returned to RC.

Justin pointed out that the group that was out there was a bit different than any group he would have pictured himself with. I tend to agree -- the mix of personalities was, shall we say, eclectic. And I came to realize that I'm one of the guys, which is both comforting and depressing. Four years ago, I was afraid of boys; now, I'm more thrown off by the presence of more than one other girl.

Not long and I'll be home for a bit, then moving (again) to Storm. And then ... the summer really begins, at least for me.

Yep. Still nt convinced. There's gotta be some homework due tomorrow. Alas, all I really need to do is pack. Blah.

Okay. I should get to work. Talk to some of you soon, I hope!


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