New Record

This is it! A new record! Never before have I posted three times in one day ...

It's a dubious honor, but I'm excited all the same.

It's a gorgeous day, even now. I have no idea what temperature we hit; warm enough to sit outside, not so warm that you break a sweat going to your car. Gorgeous. The perfect day for relaxing in a patio chair with homework and a big glass of Kool-Aid.

Went to my first large group team meeting tonight ... I do believe it will take at least one more before I actually see how things go. Things were more than just a little relaxed this week.

Now I'm at home, where I can mix up a couple loaves of bread (I ran out again ... I need to find some other food groups to abuse) and continue on homework.

Days like today remind me of why I'm here in the first place. My original motivation behind coming to Tech was because of the Hills (besides the coin flip ... ah, my former decision-making strategies!). Sure, the school was great, but the location ... !

When I got here, I found other aspects as well. The location aids the weather; it's considerably drier than back home (which I love, mostly due to my conflicts with humidity) and a little more ... variable, we'll say. SuFu has it's variations, but RC is downright bipolar.

And Tech is home. It annoys me at times, even makes me angry, but it still feels normal. That scares me a little -- the likelihood of ending up somewhere similar is pretty small -- but for now, it will work.

Ahh. Good day.


Anonymous said…
I love you. You make me smile.

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