Back In The Swing

The definite downside to a break is the complete and total lack of motivation that always seems to happen.

Alas, we have only 4 weeks left. No time to not be motivated. Too much that must be done first.

My last physical chemistry lab is in two hours; I get to check in my drawer and turn in my last two reports, and then I'm done with p-chem (as a class) forever! Yay! Aside from that, there's a lot of homework to be done today, and I'm hoping to maybe get a little ahead in a couple of areas. Not much time left!

A little time now to read and daydream about this summer ... Oh, I can't wait ...

Currently craving: A grilled chicken burrito from Taco John's.

Thinking about: Room layout at Storm.

Looking forward to: Jane Austen class in 40 minutes!

I bought an occasional table ... Sometimes it's a microwave oven.
-Steven Wright


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