
I just realized I started calling this thing "Musings of a Demented Mind: Autobiography in Blog," but there's less autobiography in here than dementia. Or something like that. In lieu of this information, I thought I'd use a modified mass-email-survey-thingy and possibly fill in some blanks for the two of you who haven't known me for the last 3+ years.

(Plus it gives me something to do instead of studying.)-

So here we go ... My interview with me ...

What is your name? Did I just ask myself that? It's Ashley.

Age? 21.

Highest level of education? I'm into my senior year of college. Pretty sure I'll max out here for awhile.

Birthplace? Here, in Rapid City. Funny story ... The building I was born in has been converted to a mental hospital.

What time did you get up this morning? 10:00. It was beautiful. But tomorrow I'll probably be up at 7AM at the latest. Big presentation in the morning.

What was the last film you saw at the theatre? Um ... Wow, I don't remember. It wasn't actually that long ago, either ... "Brokeback Mountain" or ... gosh, this is ridiculous.

TV show? "CSI" ... Yay!

What did you have for breakfast? An apple. I was in a hurry.


Food? The edible kind. I'm not picky.

Snack? Lately, I've been on an apple kick. Popcorn's good.

Drink? Black tea.

Restaurant? RC has this great place called Sanford's, and I'm a fan of Chili's ... Ooh, and Famous Dave's in SuFu ... Yeah. I like food.

Fast food joint? My most recent addiction is Quizno's.

CD? I'm hooked on Yahoo! Music Videos, actually. And my computer's been playing Red Hot Chili Peppers, Third Day, and Jars of Clay most recently.

Music? Um ... The above, plus classical, rock, old stuff, some country ... Actually, I'll listen to almost anything. I'm not a big fan of rap. I'd listen to more opera, but I think I'd rather watch it. Lately I've been in an obscure punk phase ...

TV show? "CSI" ... Yay!

Movie? Um ... yeah. "Phantom of the Opera" is right up there. And about thirteen others.

Color? Red. Why did I include this? I feel like I'm 10.

Brand of clothing? Clothes have brands? Just kidding. I'm cheap.

Item of clothing? My super-old grey Reeboks are the greatest.

Place? That's easy -- Storm!!

Time of day? Sunrise, when I see it. I like 3AM, too, but lately I've been asleep by then.

Sport? Soccer fanatic. And backpacking, although I suppose that's not a spectator thing.

What kind of car do you drive? A blue Flying Jeep. It's awesome.

Do you have a boyfriend? Yep. But he's far away, which makes me sad.

Are you a morning person or night owl? Both. I don't like afternoons as much.

Most embarrassing moment? 6th grade, when I puked in social studies, or an hour ago, when I got pulled over on my way home from school. No, I take that back. Definitely the puking thing.

What did you want to be when you were little? I'm still little! Well, let's see ... For most of my childhood, I wanted to be a teacher. Then, a rocket scientist. Then, a marine biologist. And an author. How I landed on chemical engineer still baffles me (outside of the coin flip thing, which I don't recommend!).

What is your best childhood memory? Ooh ... I don't know. I loved playing made-up games with my hilariously awesome sister. (She wanted to be a fire truck when she grew up.) And when Shorty was born, life got more interesting (plus I got my own room).

Different jobs you have had in your life? I started out by gluing pictures for my mom when Dad's company was doing bridge inspections in the summer. (Riveting.) First real job was at Subway ... After that I did bridge inspections, then worked at a daycare. The second summer of that was when this blog was born. Then I worked at Storm, and I did research after that. Yup.

Piercings? Just my ears.

Tattoos? Not yet.

Ever been toilet papered? No, but I've been shaving creamed. And styrofoamed. Thankfully, not at the same time. (Wow.)

Love someone so much it made you cry? Definitely. And then I realized that the tears weren't good ones, and they happened too often.

Been in a car accident? Yep. Spring break.

What color is your bedroom carpet? Brown, because I have hardwood floors, not carpet. Actually, the scrap under our bunk bed is brown, too.

How many times did you fail your driver's test? Fail? Pshht. I took driver's ed. With Mr. Ratliff. He scared me into passing.

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? I don't have a credit card. But pretending I do ... probably Borders.

What do you do most often when you are bored? I don't get bored very often. (Easily amused minds are great.)

Last person you went to dinner with? Matt, Justin, Darren, and Ashli. Whee!!!

What are you listening to right now? "White Horse" by An Angle on YMV.

Are you done yet? Yes. I need to sleep before that presentation I mentioned. Y'all have a good night!


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