Spring Break Survival


Spring break is almost over, and I survived. Granted, I still have a lot of homework to do (that mysteriously didn't get done during the week), but that's okay. I made it back to RC, and that was enough of a trial.

It's snowing again. I love how it waits to go nuts until there are a bunch of us headed back to school. It took six hours this time (remember, it usually only takes about 4:45 to make the drive). Grr. At least I'm not stranded in Murdo ... (*shudder*)

My parents crack me up. In addition to buying a huge TV, they have started to eat out more often. Some of you know that I was raised on homecooked meals, something I miss on a daily basis. We were lucky to go to a restaurant twice a month, unless we were on vacation (and even then many a meal was made in a hotel room). However, in what seems to be preparation for empty nesting (oddly only a few years away), they've started eating out more.

Things at home just keep getting weirder.

Oh, and some of you will understand this -- I think I've found bonkers. And it makes me quite happy.

I should get back to work, but I thought I'd let y'all know things were improving (after Wednesday's many misadventures).

PS -- If you've ever given me your cell number, you should send it to me again. I will be replacing my phone soon; the screen appears to have vomited all over itself. Can't read anything but the time and the battery power. Egads.


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