
Every once in awhile, blog surfing can bring a person face-to-face with her own iniquity.

Here I am, ruminating on the state of my own life, when plenty of people have much more important and useful things to say. Makes me feel a little more ... insignificant. Selfish.

Mostly, it just makes my blog seem meaningless, and that's not any better.

Where should it go from here?


pk said…
Blogging is what you make it. And it evolves and changes the longer you do it. Who knows what you'll be blogging about 6 months from now? Or even next month? Just be sure and keep blogging ;-)
I've known many a person to give up blogging because it was too personal, which (as far as my opinion goes) is a dumb reason to give up. Blogging is the most amazing combination of the personal and the public; it's a wonderful therapy, if nothing else. More than that, it's fun. I wouldn't stop, at any rate.

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