Just Curious

I had an odd dream last night. I reconciled with someone that I haven't spoken to in a long time, someone from my past life. The best part was waking up and feeling good about that person, for the first time in a very long time.


Anyway, that's not the point today. Today, I'd like to ask you to leave a comment if you read this. Nothing much. A simple "I was here" with your name would suffice. I'm curious as to who actually reads this thing (not so much numbers, which I know are low, but who).

That's all. Thanks!


hockeyman said…
I had a fight with a woman back when I was about 19 over how a baseball game got played. She yelled at me and I thought sh e was kidding so I yelled back at her -she wasn't kidding and it was a problem for the group we ran with.

four cities later and 24 years I was going to my highschool reunion and on the 3 hour drive up I thought shit she will be there --- the first thing I will do is go over and apologize...

I got there and headed to the bar and turned around she was there and before I could say anything she said..I was hoping you were here becasue I wanted to apologize for being such a bitch at that baseball game... I laughed and said that I was looking to get this resolved and I had been the asshole..

its funny...how this had bothered both of us...

and yes..I chanced on yoru blog...hang in there...
Laura-Marie said…
Hi, read it.

Anonymous said…
hoo!hoo! I read about you! In fact, I talk to you, see you like every day, I sleep near you and live with you. Wow, I sound like an awesome stalker...too bad I'm just your weird roomate...maybe I should start stalking people as a hobby. I get bord easily and homework nolonger "trips-my-trigger". In fact, I am stalling right now.
Anonymous said…
Well, I came, I saw, I responded.

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