

That most joyous occasion has occurred! It's talked about in myth and legend, in old stories from middle school and high school; it taunts us on cold winter days as we trudge to class. But today, the myth has come true.

"Classes have been cancelled for Monday, March 21, 2006."

(Funny ... Pretty sure it's the 20th ...)

Snow day! (Insert happy dance here.) None of us thought it was possible, but it turns out we underestimated the school administration. Stands to reason; most of the schools in the area are cancelled, and the interstate is closed from here to Chamberlain (a 200-mile spread for those non-SoDak-ers out there).

I ... need to get out of the house for a bit. Could be an interesting trek. First, however, I need to find some non-pajamas.

I love snow days.


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