Wasting Time

On the bright side, today cannot be considered a complete waste. I found a rather cool church that I intend to go back to. That feels good, given that after three years I've never managed to get plugged in anywhere specific in RC.

On the down side, homework stinks. I'm rather sick of doing things I don't understand for no particularly good reason. I still haven't decided what to do with the rest of my life (a daunting task, to say the least), but this chem-e thing isn't all that exciting anymore.

Too bad I came to this realization after so much time and money.

Oh, I'm going to finish. Maybe by the end I'll even like it again. This could just be senioritis. After so much time, I'm not even sure what else I can do, which doesn't help things any.

Too much heavy thinking, too much homework to do. And a stomach that needs something in it. Poor stomach.

Take it easy, folks.


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