Wasting Time, Part 2

It's amazing the things you find with Google some days. Holy mackeral.

Despite a breakthrough with my homework about 100 minutes ago (one metric hour? take that, English system!), I have stalled out again with no real desire to work or any particular motivation. As such, I find myself surfing all over again.

A few discoveries:

#1: I am behind on current events, especially all things local.

#2: My list of frequented blogs has grown from three to 16. Ironically, two of the original three are no longer in existence.

#3: I miss the time I used to spend backpacking. May have to fix that one soon.

#4: I'm hooked on Yahoo! Music Videos.

#5: Again, I find myself wanting to blog without any real content. Hopefully that will change soon as well.

Argh. Back to the homework.


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