Something To Fill The Page

Sorry for the manic re-posting of the previous post. Not quite sure what happened there (not sure anyone noticed, either, since errors of that type are usually pointed out quickly).

It's been an absolutely gorgeous day, and you'd never know that we had a high of -9F just 11 days ago. Amazing. Here's hoping that keeps up, to some degree ... I miss good hiking weather. (You can go hiking in the cold, but when the wind comes up? No thank you.)

92 hours till spring break! Woot!

And I am counting, thank you very much. It's been a long semester already, and I'm more than prepared to watch movies on my parents' new massive TV. And hang out in Minneapolis. And sleep. And do some homework, as our professors seem to be enjoying giving assignments.

92 hours ...


Anonymous said…
I love cheese.
Also, I love pixy stix.
I think I may love gravy as well.
But in all honesty, only turkey gravy.
Wait, ham gravy is good too.

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