Is It Christmas Yet?

32 hours and the worst of it is behind me.

And I am counting, dangnabbit.

Almost 2 of 4 papers written, 1 final today, and 2 more papers to finish tonight. 2 tests tomorrow. By 4:00 tomorrow, it will be the weekend -- with a vengeance. I need to get out of RC for a bit, or I may lose my mind.

I've had rough semesters, much rougher than this one. Volume-wise, however, this is the worst so far. I guess that's expected with the classes I've been taking (you can't do research and NOT write a paper), but that doesn't mean it's enjoyable.

How are things out in your worlds? What's going on? Anything new and interesting? Or new and boring? I'll be honest, if it's old, I'm not really interested.

Hmm. Well, I'm almost done with my research paper, so perhaps I should finish that. Nothing like a last-minute read-through.



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