Week Off?

Theoretically, that is. All of the ChE professors are in Cincinnati (you'd be amazed by how long it took me to spell that correctly), along with a large chunk of the grad student sector. As such, there are no ChE classes this week, at least for my class, until Friday afternoon.

In reality, there are papers to write and homework to be done, along with reading to be caught up on. Personally, I'd just settle for whatever it is clogging up my lungs to go away. (Goal for the week: be in perfect health by Friday. Sooner, if at all possible.) It's not really a week off so much as a week of "independent study." Egads.

Darren, you're right. I've already talked about the Facebook phenomenon. I still don't fully understand why it's so freakishly addicting. Maybe it has something to do with virtual popularity. Maybe it's so we can check up on old acquaintences (and compare ourselves, much like a high school reunion). Maybe it's just because, while you're writing a paper or trying to get a homework program to work (grr ... Aspen ...) you can only check your email so many times.

As far as your suggestion about outcome versus income ... I'm confused by that one as well. Last month, our utility bills took a full week and a half to go through the bank. This time, it took four days at the longest. The strange part about this is that last month's paycheck (the one that would cover for this month's bills) is that there was a paperwork snafu with my boss and it got delayed by a month. Maybe not a 7-week delay (holy cow, how did you make it through the month? Seriously, kid), but still scary. Outcome definitely prevailing over income. When you add to that the price of gas (which, while it's dropped to $2.41 a gallon, still means it will cost about $150 for each trip home), the upcoming Christmas season, and the fact that one does not want to live off one's parents forever, you have a bona fide poor college student.

Thankfully, things are still far from desperate, but getting more scary as the holiday season approaches. More gas for day to day use, and more trips home. Then there are presents for Christmas, a couple of birthdays, and a wedding ... Yeah.

Wow, now that I've depressed myself with that, I think I better get back to work on my reports. Have a good one, all.

And which parallel universe did you crawl out of?


Anonymous said…
Wow, the real world is something else huh? Money is such a wicked thing, and so many complications with it. You could say money is a bad dramatic realtionship. Anyways, I was thinking about facebook, and the only real probable good use for it is being able to keep connections with people who far away. Well anyways bet to feeling well so you can ice skate friday night.(It's free!) Bring associates as well! Take care!

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