
It's quiet. Too quiet.

Thank goodness I stole Ashli's headphones.

I've been hanging out in this computer lab for the better part of three hours and I have yet to have to share the space with anyone else. Don't get me wrong; this doesn't bother me. Quite the contrary -- it's easier to be productive when there are no interruptions. (Duh.) Besides that, I feel less foolish when I'm singing along with my various CDs when no one else is in here (with the added bonus of not getting egged).

Unfortunately, this productivity comes with a price -- I'm missing hiking with the girls right now, which sucks largely because I've been looking forward to the trip since we decided to do it three (three?) weeks ago.

Anyway, I've been working on this progress report for work for the better part of the weekend, and I'm losing my mind. So much reading, so much typing, and all of it so dry ... Sheesh.

Forget television. Engineering is what's robbing me of creativity.


Anonymous said…
Your right - Engineering is robbing creativity across this campus. That's why everyone needs to join Tech Association of Role Players. Not only is your creativity energized but you can also blow up your roomie with "magic missle" and not go to jail.
daz said…
and what exactly is this little club??? sounds like fun, although won't be able to do much in it until next semester, unless i can blow yous up with "long range magic missles" :)
daz said…
hmmm..."magic missles" those words make me think of something back from freshmen year (i think it was then). the something included an orc or something asking "can i have a mountain dew?" hehehe

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