Tales From The Dungeon

Here I sit, pumped full of Pepsi and Earl Grey and almost jittery with caffeinated exhaustion. My nourishment tonight has been provided by Subway, Yoplait, Tostitos, and Chewy Gobstoppers. And dangnabbit, I'm ready to go home. Stinking twelve hour tests ...

A few observations:

-There are two pop machines and a vending machine on the second floor of McLaury. I did not know that. Come to think of it, I didn't really have a reason to know that. Had I given it more than three seconds of thought, I might have guessed.

-They do not lock the bathrooms at night, despite the locks on the doors. Due to stated caffeine intake, I was concerned about this one.

-The security guy comes around about every three hours to make sure everything's kosher. At 1:30 in the morning, that's freaky.

-A person can run the entire hallspace of McClaury in just over a minute, provided you slow down to take the stairs. Could be a lot faster without that. Or a lot longer if you're knocked unconscious.

-If you run said halls between midnight and one on a Saturday night, no one will notice. At least, I hope not.

-The speakers on this computer, when pointed the right direction, can generate enough volume so that one can juuuuust barely make out "Masquerade" down by the biotech lab.

-Performing Tests on Control Samples = Really Boring.

-There are several places I would rather be right now. Camp Judson, Jamestown, and my own house are three of those.

-In the course of one day of testing, I will use and wash 112 pieces of glassware, not including anything needed to mix up reagents or the bottles the reagents are contained in. Today, That number was closer to 140 when everything was accounted for.

It is now quite early Sunday morning. Seeing the sunrise is overrated; I intend to be unconscious for several hours now.

Have a good day, everybody!


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