The Meaning Of Life

I'm going to take a bold step here and declare that I don't really believe in coincidence. I think things happen for a reason. Good things, bad things, things that seem unimportant ... Don't get me wrong. This doesn't mean I know the reasons for everything (although that would certainly make life interesting ... or infinitely boring, one of the two). I wish I could explain things like Katrina and Rita, or why people seem to die prematurely or parents split up or people get downsized.

I also believe the answers don't necessarily come directly after the effect, that sometimes years pass before anything makes sense.

And sometimes the answers come right away.

To make a long (loooong) story short, I've been strugging to find a purpose, largely since Russia. The trip to Russia consumed my life for the better part of a year, and when it ended, I suddenly had to wonder what was next. This time, it wasn't about having an adventure; it was simply about having a reason.

Where does the whole coincidence thing come in? Lately, I've noticed a common "theme" popping up in conversations and general day-to-day life. On Thursday, it was very well summarized in a talk I heard about trust. And I think I have my answer, although I don't like it as well as I could -- "Be patient already. You'll find out when you're ready, and you're not ready yet. Just trust me, okay?"

Granted, the answer just raises more questions. And I'm not a very patient person a lot of the time, which compromises any other answers that I might have missed.

There's that trust thing. I need to stop looking so hard and just simply pay attention.

In the meantime, I'm here at Tech, working like a crazy person, trying not to lose my mind before Halloween even hits. (It may be too late.) Maybe I'll plunge more effort into this literary masterpiece. Maybe I'll learn some more Russian; my vocabulary is terminal at this point. I'm in danger of forgetting all the words I already know (Pinecone Bob).

Perhaps I should start with running my next calcite determination.

To any new readers (as it seems I'm slowly gaining them): no worries, I'm not usually this serious. Actually, I'm rarely capable of being this publicly serious. I point to the archives as proof.

I've changed my mind a dozen times. It seems to work better now.


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