Getting Old

Exhaustion set in hours ago, and yet I'm sitting at my computer playing the little game with the neurotic penguins. Somehow, I can't seem to convince myself to sleep.

Maybe it's the week taking it's toll on my poor body. Maybe it's the day itself kicking in. Maybe it's my housemate cleaning her room. (Did you know that a Swiffer mop sounds remarkably like a digital camera when you squirt the cleaner? Neither did I.) Maybe it's because my roommate's snoring.

Whatever it is, I'm still bumping around in the night.

It's been an insomnia-inducing week. Homework, job interviews, angry bosses ... I feel like I've been going full speed when my body was only capable of half-speed. (Sort of like my Jeep.) Tomorrow, it's a senior design test. Bit scary.

Then, it's a fun-filled weekend of paper writing. Ah, but at least Sunday is french toast night. There's always that to rescue my sanity ... or further impair it, knowing the potential company.

In any case, I should expand on the topics this week, especially the whole job interview thing. You see, the career fair was held on Tuesday, and after much shmoozing, I actually landed three interviews, two of which I am still genuinely interested in. These interviews went ... well, they went. They didn't go poorly, I don't think.

In any case, it didn't really hit me until about lunch time (when I was writing a bunch of checks for the utilities bills) that I'm starting to get ready for the real world. Even though I wasn't actually paying attention, even though I just went to the career fair to get some exposure, my subconscious knew that it was time to start preparing.

This became more clear when I started to think about the other thoughts that had occurred to me while I was talking to company reps -- things like the general location, how much it would cost to live in some areas, if I could live there for an extended period of time, how travel might affect my as yet nonexistent family ... Then I bounced over to "Wait, what family is this? Are you even going to have a family? Is this where life is headed?" (I hope so!) "What makes you think God has any intentions to have mini-yous running around?!"

Somewhere around there, I realized that I'm just not a kid anymore. This was followed by a sudden urge to eat a Popsicle, but the reality remained.

We're getting old, kids. You know who you are. And it's only a matter of time before we start sending each other Christmas cards.

Ugh, now that's depressing. We'll have to do a little better job than just Christmas cards. No worries, I won't go all "BFF" on you, but I'm still hoping we don't all fall out of touch or whatever.

Uh-oh, snoring stopped. I think the neurotic penguins may have woken my poor roomie. (Stinking squeakers.) Better hit the sack. G'night, everybody

Sighted on a T-shirt earlier today:
Nerd? I prefer intellectual rogue.


Anonymous said…
Ashley-does Ashli snore?? I had no idea if it's her you speak of...and the neurotic penguins sound pretty interesting, how does that game work?? All is well in Jen-land, I think i'm heading back to Yankton for the weekend after terrible series of tests involving feeding cows, making baby cows, and solving statistics about those cows....
Anonymous said…
Snore? I don't snore. That's silly.
Anonymous said…
haha...making baby cows...
Ashley said…
Don't believe her. She snores. Next time I record it for proof. And what's this about baby cows? Why am I so confused by it?

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