Feelin' Loopy

The moral of the story is don't let an Arby's Beef and Cheddar Sandwich sit for half an hour before eating it.

I'm feeling a bit on the loopy side (the front desk people just caught the brunt of it) due to lack of sleep and sustenance. And too much computer time. Which I once again answer by writing in my blog. From a computer.

I'm not very smart sometimes.

Ah, but it's done in increments. Five minute ones, to be exact. Interrupted by the fact that I'm actually at work. Unfortunately, the interesting level is at an all-time low, as I'm washing glass beads tonight.

Yup. You read that right. Washing glass beads.

This only means that my dream of sleeping tonight is slowly slipping away. So much homework due on Friday, with so much to do tomorrow ... I may just have to pick which night to sleep and forget about it for the other one.

I think I'm well on my way to not sleeping tonight. I've pumped my body so full of caffeine in the last two hours ... Egads. I should never try to play catchup at the end of a day, at least where energy is concerned.

Ah, well, plenty of time to get stuff done. Or to dink around on Facebook, my newest obsession. (My sister was right, it's quite addicting.) Or to order stuff on Amazon, which is basically the only way I get movies anymore. Or mail, for that matter.


The geek shall inherit the earth.


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