Real Mountains

Hey, I got the picture to work! Woot!

So, here's a shot from our recent trip to Yellowstone ... More specifically, this is from the day we spent in the Tetons (the highlight of the trip for me). The storm was finally moving out when we left ...

The best part of all this was the chance to see real mountains again. The Black Hills are perfectly fine most of the time, and I love it out there, but every backpacker gets that urge for real mountains every now and then (especially when she happens to live in a rather flat state).

I'll be back there someday, and I'll get to go on a real hike. Happy thoughts.


daz said…
awesome pic. i'm kinda starting to miss mountains too. granted there are some to the west of canberra by an hour or 2, but don't really have a way to get there. anyways yeah awesome pic and hope moving into the house and all is going good. laters
Anonymous said…
picture = pretty awesome

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