Been Awhile Since An Update ...

Home again, home again ... Okay, so technically I've been here since Saturday. It's been mildly eventful since then (mostly because I was only home for a couple of hours before heading out to join a mix-n-match bonfire) and I'm rather tired now.

Today's events: spending money with my sister and getting caught up with JN. Yay! Well, the getting caught up part anyway; I'm happy to hang out with my sister, but it's once again time for that horrid thing known as "Back to school shopping." I fear for my checking account.

Nothing beats a time of need to let a department store suck the money out of you. However, I refuse to let that money go to the Evil Empire. I'm a purist -- it's ShopKo and Target for me!

In other news, Black Hills Power is irritating me with the whole "put you on hold for fifteen minutes before mysteriously disconnecting you" schtick. No worries, girls, we'll have electricity in the house. It'll just take a little more time on the phone.

Silly BHP.

Ah, yes, house news. We're starting to take care of details and move in, and just in time; classes start in two weeks. (Scary, huh?) I'm still apprehensive. After this summer, what motivation could I possibly have to go back to school? I mean, besides the whole graduation-degree-real-job thing. Which, ironically, I may put off for another couple of years and head for grad school somewhere. (Thoughts? Comments?) Preferably somewhere where I could learn Russian, too.

One more blog for you guys to check out -- "100 Words or Les Nessman." Have fun with that one.

Again, hello to my readers (Zeeb, Darren, Ashli, Jen, Mr. Jonesevich, and the ones I don't know as well) and thanks for stopping by. Pick up a flyer about next week's pig roast on the way out.

A good day is when you wake up without a chalk outline around your body.


daz said…
sorry i didn't find a flyer for the pig roast, but i don't think i'd be able to make it anyways, that is unless you wanted to chip in for an airline ticket :)

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