Sweaty And Happy About It

Ahhh. I'm all sweaty and gross, and it's good. No, not because of that. A few of us were playing ultimate Frisbee in the quad ... Good stuff man, good stuff.

The best part is that it's the second time in a week -- I went hiking on Saturday, too, which also felt awesome. My poor body's been craving some good ol' physical exertion since it's been pitifully deprived this last school year. (There's physical exertion due to exercise and there's physical exhaustion due to lack of sleep and food and too much mental stress. Not enough of the former, far too much of the latter.)

Camping was glorious this last weekend. Ah, the beauty of the Hills ... and the rain. Lots of rain. My tent is surprisingly waterproof, a fact of which I was extremely thankful. Regardless, it was good to see, since the Hills have been a bit dry as of late. And by "a bit" I mean "desperately," of course.

Anyway, camping was great. The recharge time was great, the hiking was great, the rain was great, the food was great (although occasionally soggy). I wasn't quite so depressed to go back to work, having recuperated a little more than usual.

Tomorrow's the long day, Friday will be as short as I can make it since ERIC'S IN TOWN!!!, and Saturday it's out to Spork and Sarah's wedding! Yay Spork and Sarah! Yay Eric!! Yay good weekend!!!

Ah. Happy happy happy. Yay endorphins, too.

The difference between intelligence and stupidity is that intelligence has a limit.


Anonymous said…
Hey have fun at Sporks wedding! His older brother Jonathon was my judging coach for the Meats Judging Team, so tell him I say hi if you get the chance to meet him. I hope your summer is going well! Take care!

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