Still Here

Well, here I am again. Yup, still kicking, most of the time. It's been an psychotic week (plus) as of late, and I'm ready to check out of this madhouse. Unfortunately, I'll be the only one sticking around in two weeks, watching all of my friends drive off into the great beyond (and their respective summer jobs).

Speaking of which, I suppose it's getting to be that time -- the time where studying really kicks in, and in between one must pack up his or her life in preparation for whatever move he or she is making. Even I'm changing buildings sometime (I hope they tell me when very soon -- I'll be trying to work at the same time, and I'll need to get a new card so I can get into the stinking building in the first place).

South Dakota's been acting very South Dakota-y lately. We got two solid days of rain this week (woot!), and on the second day, we were under a winter storm watch. Now it's almost 60 degrees outside and windy.

Eighteen days till my birthday. I only count down because that's also when I get my first paycheck, which will be right in time; I should be able to survive the next two weeks, food-wise, but it may get rather creative. Today, it's noodles and leftover Applebee's ribs. Tomorrow, most likely popcorn and pasta. The next day, perhaps Jell-o and pasta. (Maybe you're seeing a pattern here?) Somewhere in there, I'll be heading down to the Shack again, but I'll have to go easy on that for a couple of days.

Ah, college food. This is what people warned me about.

What else has happened in the last week ...

Well, my previously spoken of friends got back together, and on the same day, two OTHER friends broke up. They've since resolved the issue (somewhat) and have gotten back together as well. Net effect: everything's back to normalish.

Pray for another friend, however. She's in California right now (mind you, she's from Texas, even though her parents just moved to Wisconsin a few months ago) where her dad just got a lung transplanted and, last I heard, was waiting for a second lung. There was some doubt there whether or not he'd survive past Tuesday, but it's Saturday and he's still plugging along, so ... yeah.

I'm right smack in the middle of Russia prep, and that's got me a little worried, but it'll work out. I hope.

No commentary on this week. My brain's too unfocused right now; I've been bouncing between activities all day, and I see no end in sight. I think it's about time I did something useful, though. Have a good one, folks.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.


daz said…
still there? 'cause its been a while since you last posted. i'm guessing its all to do with the end of the semester. well laters, i'm hungry


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