Avoid Prolonged Exposure

Good rule for life, don't you think? In this case, these wise words came to me in the form of a warning label on a toxic, corrosive chemical I was using today. And maybe they fit best in that particular context -- I don't want to be any more mutated than I already am.

I suppose it's just another way of saying "everything in moderation," but "avoid prolonged exposure" is more fun. Furthermore, you can apply it to just about anything: food, drink, classes, homework, the sun ...

Take these particular items where heeding this advice might help:
-Surbeck food: lessen the amount of indigestion you suffer.
-Mountain Dew: lessens the number of caffeine crashes you endure.
-Mass transfer: lessens the number of times you suffer whiplash from trying to stay awake.
-Homework: duh.

How about people?

Think about it, starting with your relatives. Do you have an aunt or uncle you absolutely love -- for awhile? By the time you've heard that one joke the fifth time, you're ready to look into putting yourself up for adoption.

Or how about people you work with, or go to school with? I have a few of those, and I can only imagine how many people regard me that way. (Granted, people are different. There are also those that you never get sick of. I have a few of those, too.)

My stroke of wisdom from work today. Beyond that, it's been uneventful. My phone's behaving strangely -- more specifically, it's not behaving at all. Frustrating.

Ah, well, off to homework again. Have a good one, folks.

Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon.


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