Weekend Stuff

FilmQuest went pretty well, I think. My group didn't do very well, and yes, your phone call got points, Darren, but not NEARLY as many as it deserved. Another team got more points for having extra guys in lingerie. Kind of irking ...

In any case, it was a good night. I got hit in the face with an apple pie, Andy and Matt sang "You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman," and Motel 6 turned the light off for us. All in all rather amusing.

Instead of any form of excitement, I've spent most of the day studying for my microbiology test. Not that micro's not fun -- but it's not exciting to study for. Egads. Had a missions meeting this afternoon as well, which was pretty interesting; we got to talk to a couple that went to Russia three summers ago, and they helped a lot.

In other news, a few of us are looking for a house for next year, what with the rising price of dorm living (not to mention the fact that we've been here for years and are getting sick of it). One place looks relatively promising, but I still know nothing.

Besides that, it's been a pretty solitary weekend. That's all I really have to say about that.

Anyway, I need to get back to work. Have a good week, everybody.

I've changed my mind a dozen times. I think it works better now.


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