Best Weekend Ever

Wow. I stand by my title. This was the best weekend I've had in months. A lot of work, but very relaxing, too. A little time at Storm goes a long way.

Well, among other things. Those who were there know. A great weekend.

I've only been back for a few hours, but already I've had one meeting and I'm studying until my next one at four. Microbiology, biochemistry, and mass transfer tests this week. Somewhere in there I hope to find time to go hiking; I'm working again next weekend, so I don't know when I'll have time.

In my stalling, I've revamped again ... What do you think of the blog now?

I think that's all I've got. Have a good week!

Forget the Joneses -- I keep up with the Simpsons.


daz said…
i guess i'll post a comment to your blog, nobody has left one on mine for a while :( oh well. thats good you had an awesome weekend. going on a pub crawl (bar hopping) tonight, although i don't plan on drinking that much. its theme is pimps and prostitutes. i don't have a costume and i have class up until 15 minutes before they leave. but anyways laters

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