
I disappeared again yesterday for Storm ... A little work, a lot of fresh air, and some good sleep later, I feel amazing. It never ceases to amaze me how much more relaxed I feel after just a day there. Wow.

Anyway, it's another unseasonably gorgeous day (or maybe this is the new February weather and no one's told me), and I think I need to gather some people up and go find a trail. This is assuming, of course, that everybody survived last night.

Which might be a big assumption, given the occasion. I don't know. I've been here for half an hour and have yet to see or hear another living soul.

Ah, well, in any case, there's work to be done, and as long as I'm still conscious (note the time, then realize I've been up for seven and a half hours already) I should get something done. Have an awesome week, everybody!

Monday is a horrible way to spend one-seventh of your life.


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