Me, In Review

Wow, suddenly ... I just want to rant. Not about anything important, mind you. Forget important stuff -- you want to hear about that, watch the news, read something informative. This is a blog. My blog. This isn't the place, especially not tonight.

I just watched the movie "Pump Up The Volume," an old (well, 1990) flick with Christian Slater that I think every teenager/20-something should see. It's not a cinematic masterpiece. It doesn't have Oscar-winning acting. But it gives you just enough to make you think, especially if you're like me and didn't particularly enjoy high school.

I've been feeling pretty low lately ... Rather alone, really. No terribly good reason ... Well, I guess it's because I've been hanging out with a couple of people that are just that -- a couple. And, while I love them both dearly, there's that third wheel thing, combined with the massive confusion in my life.

There's one guy in my life who hates me. He's justified. I hurt him more than anyone deserves, ever. And there's not a day that goes by where I don't feel sorry for that ... But what's done is done, and even though he'll never really know all of the reasons behind it (or probably fully understand the reasons he does know), deep down I'm aware that it had to happen. Unfortunately, I'm a stupid girl, and there's a lot of extra pain there, things that could have been prevented, and for that ... There's no true recovery. I'm sorry.

I'm afraid I'm going to end up making that same mistake all over again. I don't want to do it, but ... Maybe because, like all other things in life, it's easier the second time? I don't know. Back to the stupid girl thing. I'm prone to pointless little crushes, things that serve little other purpose than to distract me. What to do, what to do ... If ever I wanted all the answers, it'd be regarding the male species. No comprehension. None.

One of my best friends is running off to Australia in just over a week, and I'm really going to miss him. It's been fun hanging out with you this weekend, dude, and I know you'll have a blast down there. But it's gonna be a looooong semester ... You better update your own blog pretty often, or email or something.

There. Some of you have wondered why I've been so out of it lately, so here's a taste. You don't get to hear it all -- nobody gets to hear it all, including my closest friends, the ones I actually talk to in person. I'm not being mysterious; I just know better. But in any case, have a good night everybody, and I'll be seeing you around soon.

And don't worry. I'll be back to my old self in no time.

If your parents didn't have children, chances are you won't either.


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