
Ah, the weekend continues. Yesterday, we went sledding in the afternoon, followed by some time at Borders, Chili's, Best Buy, then movies in Ashli's room. Very relaxing.

Sledding was awesome, with the exception of my first run ... I had some pretty good speed going down this hill (on my laminated sheet of foam) when I hit a rather large rock, butt-first. That hurt enough, but it launched me just a little and I landed on another, slightly smaller rock.

Ouch. Plowed to a stop and laid in the snow contemplating movement for a couple minutes. Think I worried some of the other sledders a little, but there's only so much you can do when you can't breathe.

We changed locations after that little fiasco and things went much more smoothly, so to speak. Had a good laugh at Andy, who seems to have issues with staying on the sled in the first place.

The runs around town were uneventful. Got a CD -- Nellie McKay, who's ... interesting. I like her, but she's very strange.

We watched "I, Robot" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," neither of which I had seen before (I know, I know) and both of which I enjoyed thoroughly. The day ended well, but not till about 3AM.

Tonight, an IV party, followed by ... something. Not sure yet.

Later, again.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.


Anonymous said…
Ashley said…
Seriously, who posts a link to an overblown pop-up? Or who writes the program that automatically posts said link? Holy cow, people.

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