Anyone Wanna Buy A Heat Exchanger For $43,600?

NO! I'm not selling a heat exchanger. I am, however, designing one for one of my classes, and that's how much our best-looking one costs so far. (I can't wait for the responses I get now from people who missed this first paragraph and actually want a heat exchanger ... Oops.)

Well, life continues. I'm tired. Since 4AM yesterday, I've gotten 3 hours of sleep. My eyes burn, my lids drop, and my brain can't focus on the screen in front of my face (which is probably why I'm watching the keyboard instead). I can't wait for this week to be over with.

I'm one of those nerds that actually enjoys finals week, to some extent. There are no meetings, you only spend a couple hours each day in a classroom, and there's no homework due. Every morning, doughnuts appear in the lobby. The dorms are quiet, and you're packing up to go home, looking forward to Christmas, New Year's, and three weeks with no homework or studying to do.

The tests have so little to do with the week that they just don't bring it down that much (except for the first few hours after a bad test ... egads).

It helps that I have a great weekend coming up, free of projects and homework, with ample time to sleep. Besides that, there are Christmas parties, nights out with friends, and the possibility of learning how to shoot a handgun (lambast me all you want, I want to learn!). If it snows Sunday, life would be perfect.

I better get back to my heat exchanger. Have a great weekend, people.

Love your enemies. At least they don't try to borrow money from you.
-Leonard Louis Levinson


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