Where I'm S'posed To Be

What a summer.

It was ... amazing. Uplifting. A lot of fun. Awesome. Um ... Really really good. (Please excuse me while I run out of fitting adjectives.)

So here I am, back at home, getting ready to start school again, but my brain keeps hopping back to Storm Mountain and the people I had to leave there. The truth? I don't want to go back to Tech. Unfortunately, my real desire right now (reliving the summer) isn't really an option.

How to describe the perfect summer ...

I was where I was supposed to be. When things first started, our group meshed almost instantly. Sure, there were a few problems (what do you expect when eleven people live, work, and hang out together?), but as a general rule, we all got along. It was a good mix, too -- different ages, different majors, different backgrounds, altogether different personalities.

The work wasn't bad, either. Granted, you can only clean toilets for so long before you get sick of them (sorry Kellie, that was more you than me), and washing potatoes isn't much fun either (right Melissa?), but the location alone tended to make up for unpleasantness while you worked. (Except for the one day I got to clean the stove hood and then plunge a toilet ... blechh. The only thing that made up for that was a long shower.)

But the best stuff happened at night, when the work was done. Stargazing from a rocky outlook, late trips to Dairy Queen, motorcycle rides, movies, cruising, music, the occasional prank ... These are the things I'm never going to forget, the things I'll remember and laugh at randomly, only to frighten those who don't know what I'm thinking at the time. Bus stops, scary bikers, conversations that lasted until all hours of the morning, kitchen raids, water fights in the dish room. (Well, "fight" might be too strong. "Spraying people with the sink hose" is more accurate.)

It was a summer for change, a summer for realizations, a summer to figure out what the heck was going on in life. Funny how removing yourself from reality will do that sometimes.

The best part? I feel like me again, and for that I will always cherish this summer. I hate that word -- cherish -- but this time it fits.

And so, on that note, I'd like to say hi to April, Melissa, Holly, Sarah, Emilie, Christina, Kellie, Dyan, Eric, and Aaron. You guys are awesome.

I realize this is your Storm Mountain song, Eric, but I think it fits this right now, too.

Let the wind fall wild across my path
Even though I barely move, there's no turning back
There is a river; there is a road
Place of holy riches untold
It's where I'm s'posed to be
Where I'm s'posed to be
My heavenly

Jars of Clay, "My Heavenly," from Who We Are Instead


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