SNOW DAY! (And Other Thoughts)


For the first time in my college career, I got a SNOW DAY yesterday. Awesomeness. Seriously. Nothing beats a foot of snow and no real homework (since I got it done the night before, knowing that if I didn't, classes would go on as scheduled).

Nothing quite beats sledding with a bunch of hyped-up collegiates on a day like that.

I'm bored. I'll admit it. The only thing that would get me out here, on this "computer" (a Sun Machine, which rates second in lack of electronic ability, with only a manual typewriter coming in after it), typing various dribble in this thing is sheer boredom. And I possess it right now.

The answer is three.

Just for the record.

People are going ice skating. I'd like to go join them, since it's free and all, but for the life of me, I can't work up the desire. I'm too bloody tired.

Darren's telling me to write about Band-Aid residue. Maybe I'll save that for a day when I'm feeling more ambitious.

Never sit on a porcupine.


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