More Happenings (With A Fluffy White Twist)

Quick story:

I'm a coleader and hostess of a Bible study every Tuesday night. About half an hour into our meeting to--erm, last night--we got a little surprise. Someone shaving-creamed my room as the ten or so of us were sitting there.

For those who AREN'T experienced with with college pranks, when I say "shaving-creamed," I mean that the culprits filled a couple of manila envelopes with shaving cream, slid the open ends under the door, and dropped heavy books on them, thereby forcefully expelling enormous amounts of said cream into the room. Of course, this isn't complete without pennying the door shut (wedging stacks of pennies into the door frame, creating the necessary tension to hold it shut, no matter how hard you pull).

In our efforts to get out, the knob got broken and had to be taken off completely to get the door open. It took the hall director and my coleader working together to get THAT done, and by then we were all too happy to get out of my room, which was smelling more and more like male.

About five of the group members got covered in shaving cream, especially the one poor girl that was sitting about a foot in front of the door. It got all over the floor, onto most of my pillows, INto my backpack ... and into who knows what else, most of which I'll probably discover over the next couple of weeks.

I was livid. I haven't been that angry in a looooong time ... But now I have some strong info as to who it was, and, well, I feel better. They're already forgiven. Things are good. I'm relaxed. You might even say I feel peace, as though they'll get theirs soon.

What an odd week.

Fweaking boys.


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