Yay For A Good Morning!

Suspicions have ceased!

Emails have been answered!

Tests have gone ... okay!

A trip home is fast approaching!

It's been a good morning.

Dan FINALLY answered my incessant emails, and he claims to be calling tonight. We'll see if that happens, but for now I'm just happy to have heard from him.

It's been an interesting week. My roomie and one of my good friends are officially going out, and let me be the first to say online, IT'S ABOUT TIME. This is a good thing all around.

And, being that it's finals week, I'm going home tomorrow. Yay! The week itself has been interesting; I've already been up for ... erm ... four hours or so, and I've got awhile before I can even take a nap. If nothing else, I need to calm down first.


Hopefully I'll have some interesting rants coming up soon, but for now, au revoir!

Hindsight shows you how a mistake looks from the rear.


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