Boredom To The nth As n Approaches Infinity

I am bored. I am bored to the point of no return. I have no desire to do anything, yet I want to do something, just to get rid of the boredom.

I never used to get bored. There was this amazing thing working for me--I had an imagination. I could sit for hours and not get bored, simply because there was some elaborate movie-type scenario playing over and over in my head, getting a little bit better each time around.

There are some people in my room watching "Matrix: Reloaded" right now, and I'd join them, but I'm just not in the mood to watch a movie. Unfortunately, I'm also not in the mood to do homework, go to Perkins, go sledding, take a hike, streak, draw a picture, play cards, build a fort in the lobby, or drive around aimlessly until I run out of gas and have to call someone to come pick me up at one in the morning.

Come to think of it, the only thing I'm really in the mood to do is write in this thing, and I have nothing constructive or destructive to say.

Barb's not helping, either. She's even more bored than me.

Let's see here ... Interesting occurrances in the last two weeks ... Well ... My family was out here this weekend so Dad and the sibs could go hunting. That was pretty cool. My little (snicker) sister and I watched "Donnie Darko," which, if you haven't seen it, you should. It's all about time travel. Awesomeness.

There's a guy on the computer next to me stressing out about his homework just a little too much, but I've come to expect that from him. He's that kind of person.

I get to study almost all day tomorrow. Yippee.

Topic, topic ... Hrm ...

Barb's currently looking at pictures of ... dressed up pets? I think that's it. She said something about a green and purple beagle with rhinestones. I'm a bit concerned. Either she's hallucinating or some poor dog has an owner with bad taste.

I've always felt sorry for dressed up pets. It's one of those things. Dogs have fur. That's what's supposed to keep them warm. People get clothes because they don't have fur (with a few exceptions). Dogs don't need clothes.

Hmm, speaking of creepy beings ... Never mind. This IS the Internet, after all. Anyone could read this.

I am a nerd. More specifically, I'm a chem nerd. I'm happy mixing reactants together and seeing what happens (especially if it turns funny colors and I don't). Besides that, though, I'm an all-around nerd. From time to time, I write programs just because I can. I read books that most people won't look at twice because they sound interesting to me. I sit in a computer lab because it's the first thing that comes to mind when I want to find something to do. I can count in binary on my fingers (132!). I count squares to calm myself down. And I actually wish I had some homework so I wouldn't be so bored.

Ugh. I can't believe I just said that. Time to find something else to do. Later.

Someday we'll look back on all this and plow into a parked car.


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